Thursday, April 1, 2010

Today's Run

So-- I have a run on tap for tonight... I am looking forward to it.  The weather is BEAUTIFUL and I am feeling the good vibes of the second trimester  <Insert Halleluiah chorus here>.

I should THANKFULLY mention that I have a longtime running partner-- my step dad who luckily runs at a pace close enough to mine that we have maintained running together for years now.  We also have been motivation and accountability for the other person on a lot of nasty weather days when-- let's face it-- had we been solo runners, we would have never run that day!

Here is a shot of my belly these days... we all like to compare, so I will put it out there.  I have gained about 7 pounds overall and I am 20 weeks along (tomorrow).

This photo is 19 weeks... Don't confuse my front and back-- the ghetto bootie is the lower one on the left  and baby bump is on the right  : )  ha ha.

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