Friday, April 29, 2011


Tomorrow is the BIG DAY!  (Speaking of big days-- I woke up early to watch the Rotal Wedding and I am not ashamed to admit it!)

Anyway-- back to my BIG DAY-- the half marathon is tomorrow!  I feel ready... hopefully its a fun one.  Fun/enjoyable being the main goals!  Looks like a high of 78 around these parts and only in the 60s in the morning.  So warm. I am not a fan of shorts because my legs are ghostly white but this weather calls for shorts.

Here are my plans for tonight...

My little sister (in college) in coming over tonight (she will be the sitter tomorrow).  We shall talk about boys now that she has a serious boyfriend and eat Pad Thai and some kind of dessert -- all by request of my sister.

Set out my running clothes, pin bib on my shirt, pack a post-run bag of stuff and flip flops.

Feed and get the little guy to bed around 7:30.

Talk more about men-folk with my sister.

Try to get to bed by 10 or so.

Here's a rundown of how I see my morning...

Wake up at 5am

East Breakfast and pump which without feeding first will take about 30 minutes.  Ick!

Get dressed

Head out the door by 5:50am to catch the bus that leaves at 6:20am!

Prayers with the group before the race.

Race starts at 7:30!!


Carb load at the finish

Change into flip flops and wait on my mom who is walking the race!

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